NexusComply is a ground breaking compliance solution, which combines the Learning Nexus Totara LMS with Safety4Business eLearning content. It allows your organisation to deploy and manage risk assessments, policies, mandatory training and supervisory frameworks such as appraisals and performance management. The system also manages and automates compliance and can help measure behavioural change.


Automate compliance

NexusComply enables you to automate your compliance programmes, delivering the appropriate eLearning/company policies at a timeframe which you decide.

Risk assessments

NexusComply facilitates the completion of risk assessments on a regular basis with the results being delivered to workers responsible for alleviating risks/concerns.

Classroom & online

NexusComply keeps all your organisational learning in one place, whether it be booking classroom sessions or completing online learning.

Powerful reporting

NexusComply encompasses a powerful reporting tool, enabling your administrators to build a complete picture of compliance across the business.

Role specific learning

NexusComply supports you in delivering learning programmes to a variety a different roles, meaning your learners receive information relevant to their role.


NexusComply has built-in nagware which will automatically remind your employees when they need to complete certain pieces of online learning.

Making an Impact With Your Team

Working with your internal teams, we will strive to understand your goals for implementing a new LMS. We then look at how the NexusComply LMS can be structured to achieve those goals in the most cost-effective and efficient manner.

Not Sure What You Need?

Our experienced team are more than happy to provide free consultation services, where we look at your business advising the most effective way for your employees to be compliant.

Simply click the button below to request your free consultation.